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Your foundation is the most fundamental level of security that your home can have. Without a strong foundation, your home is in danger. A damaged or unsound foundation can cause a complete residential collapse, water damage, insect infestation, and more (Not to mention the amount of money it will cost to fix all of these side effects). Get ahead of these dangerous and expensive hazards with foundation repair that you can trust from Innovative Foundation Repair. 

As a resident of Coppell, a primarily residential suburb, you understand the importance of a strong foundation. With so many residential properties, the primary choice for foundation is a slab foundation. This affordable and reliable option has been trusted by people for millennia. And for good reason.  

Slab Foundations

A slab foundation is simply a slab of concrete around 4-6 inches in the center that provides support and security for the house that sits atop it. These are the most common forms of foundations as they are generally more affordable. Some drawbacks include the omission of crawl space which can cause certain heating and cooling systems to be placed inside the home, taking up living space. 

The warm weather that Coppell sees makes it the perfect place for a slab foundation. Cold weather can lead to frozen soil that expands and contracts with the weather, creating a problematic environment for slab foundations. 

Pier and Beam Foundation 

Less common than slab, but still a popular choice is the pier and beam foundation. This type of foundation is composed of vertical rebar reinforced concrete piers that are inserted deep into the ground and wooden beams that are placed horizontally on the piers. The installation of the pier and beam foundation is usually more expensive than the slab foundation but repair opportunities and costs are much less extreme. This foundation can also protect from flooding as there is usually an 18” or higher crawlspace to allow access to plumbing and electrical components. 

Coppell soil sits atop a layer of thick clay that can shift as the weather changes. Pier and Beam foundations have a slight advantage when placed in this situation because the piers are drilled into the hard clay which provides additional stability. 

Are You in Need of a Foundation Repair in Coppell, TX? 

If you have recently noticed any of the following problems, then it may be time for you to get a foundation repair: 

Stuck Windows and Doors- If you have tried to open a window or door to no avail, then this could be a sign that your foundation is settling and is in need of repair. 

Floor and Ceiling Gaps- Gaps that develop between your floor/ceiling and their respective walls is a telltale sign of foundation failure. Although more common in older houses as foundations have had decades to settle, these gaps can be remedied by experts such as those at Innovative Foundation Repair.

Drywall Cracks- Another common sign, drywall cracks denote stress on your walls that is usually caused by some foundation issue. 

Slab Cracks- A crack in your slab foundation can quickly spell disaster depending on the severity. These only occur when severe stress has been introduced to your foundation. If you see a horizontal crack in your foundation, then this can be an emergency and you will need to quickly contact a foundation repair expert.

Tilting Chimney- A chimney can tilt for a number of reasons but it is safe to assume that your foundation has something to do with it. This can also be a dangerous situation as it can lead to a full chimney collapse so it is best to have a professional look at it. 

Coppell Foundation Repair with Innovative Foundation Repair

Don’t wait too long if you are having any foundation problems. They can escalate quickly and turn into an expensive fix. Instead call the professionals at Innovative Foundation Repair. Our commitment to quality and customer service will leave you with a sense of security and confidence. Give us a call today or fill out our online form if you are in Coppell and need your foundation repaired! 



When you are looking for the right company to repair your foundation, RELIABILITY is what matters — RELIABILITY of the company, RELIABILITY of the repair, and RELIABILITY of the warranty. Innovative Foundation Repair offers various Warranty Protection and Financing options, giving you the peace-of-mind needed to make the best decision for you and your family!

lifetime warranty